Terms & Conditions
Welcome to Community Gymnastics Club at Holmfield Mills, a British Gymnastics affiliated and community oriented organization.
We are registered and insured through affiliation with the Governing Body – British Gymnastics. Community Gymnastics Club was formed to give access to gymnastics for everyone ‘Gym For All’.
- Payments will be returned if a class has to be cancelled due to minimum numbers not being achieved.
- Community Gymnastics reserves the right to remove from our programme, without refund, anyone who is found to be bullying, misbehaving or displaying disruptive behaviour.
- You must declare all medical conditions during registration and keep us up-to-date should this change by emailing/calling us at - Hdcommunitygymnastics@gmail.com@gmail.com
- Your booking is not confirmed until payment has been received. Paid spaces will be given priority.
- You must refrain from bringing your child to class if they have had any form of illness within 48 hours of the class.
- We don't issue refunds for missed sessions due to your own circumstances
- If there are any sessions missed sure to typical bad weather, Community Gymnastics will offer a make-up session.
Core Drivers
are all at the heart of our ethos. We strive to make classes affordable, inclusive and fun. Most importantly we hope you enjoy your time as a member of the Community Gymnastics Club.
Gymnastics Team
Hailey Dundavan (Head Coach)
Our head coach is Hailey Dundavan (BAPE), who is a level 3 Sports Acrobatics and Tumbling Coach (British Gymnastics Number 335669). Hailey brings to her coaching over 21 years of experience. She first set up the Community Gymnastics club in 2013 at Threeways Centre.
Sarah Duffin (club assistant)
Sarah has been a volunteer at the club since 2014. You will see her at almost every after school and holiday club doing what needs to be done so that Hailey can do the coaching!
As a relatively new club (since lockdown) we are constantly evolving, endeavouring to improve the service we offer and increase our capacity to deliver to the benefit of the community. We welcome feedback and will always leap at any offers from parents / carers to volunteer in improving the operations and functionality of the club.
We work towards various goals each term including, in-house competitions, displays / festivals and British Gymnastics Proficiency Awards (Certificates & medals). We also run holiday camps during the school breaks to help the gymnast’s hone their skills.
Additional Information
Cost / Payment Options
o Gymnastics classes are charged at £5.85 per class. Children can attend the club for two weeks before having to commit to joining British Gymnastics as a member to secure their insurance to participate.
o All payments are taken through Classes 4 Kids online.
o Personal Clothing
Gymnasts should wear appropriate attire for participating in gymnastics sessions.
Gymnasts in foundation classes may wear shorts and a t-shirt or a leotard and
shorts/leggings. Clothing should not impede the freedom of movement required by
the activity but not be loose enough to constitute a hazard. Clothing should not have
buckles, clasps or raised adornments. Gymnasts in other classes would benefit from
wearing a leotard and/or shorts or other similar close fitting sports attire. Some
sessions/coaches may require the wearing of a one piece gymnastics leotard and
Hooded sweatshirts may only be worn during the warm up part of a session.
Gymnasts may be asked to remove clothing which coaches deem to be inappropriate
for the activity they are participating in.
Other than when required by the sport, gymnasts will participate in bare feet or
whilst wearing proper gymnastics slippers/shoes.
At all times hair should be tied back away from the face.
All jewellery must be removed for gymnastics and trampolining sessions. Gymnasts
who refuse to remove jewellery will be unable to participate in their session. If a
gymnast has newly pierced ears, it is possible for the earrings to be taped for up to 6
weeks (providing that the earrings cannot be removed). After this initial period,
earrings should be removed prior to participation in sessions. If your child is unable
to attend a session due to newly pierced ears, your normal subscriptions are still
Gymnasts who wear spectacles should minimise the risk of injury or damage by
wearing flexible frames or contact lens or by securing the glasses.
Events / Competitions
The Community Gymnastics club on occasion takes part in displays both at the Holmfield Mill site and externally.
o Parents / guardians will be notified in advance of any approaching events and the relevant paperwork completed.
Improvements / Developments
If you have any suggestions on how we could improve our service to our gymnasts and parents / guardians please feel free to get in touch.
Social Media Sites
We have created a Facebook group page which you can join. We use the page to communicate any information to parents / guardians, this may include any forthcoming events, displays, ideas or cancelled bookings.
o Group Page is called ‘Community Gymnastics Members Only’.
o You must send an access request to join the group
o This will then be authorised by one the club coaches and access granted.
We will on occasion send out emails to all parents / guardians with regards to the club and centre. Please ensure that we have your email address so that we are able to forward out information when necessary.
Gymnast Code of Conduct
We expect all gymnasts to adhere to the following code of conduct:
o Arrive at the session on time.
o Fully participate in the warm-up session.
o Adopt and maintain a good attitude and willingness to learn and take instruction from the coach.
o Wear appropriate clothing for the sessions, e.g. hair tied back, no jewellery.
o Inform the coaches of any injuries or illnesses before taking part in the warm-up.
o Be friendly, encouraging and respectful to other club members and coaches.
o Bullying will never be tolerated.
o Always listen to and obey coach’s instructions.
o Chewing gum and eating of food is prohibited during sessions.
o Drink bottles (preferably sport top style) must be kept in the shelving provisded, away from all equipment.
o Only go on equipment when asked to by your coach and perform only the skills they are asking you to work on. Do not attempt new skills without the permission of your coach.
o Talk to your coach if you have any concerns about the move you are trying, e.g. you have injured yourself.
o Always ask permission to leave the gym e.g. if you need to visit the bathroom.
o No running in the corridors.
o Remain in the mill with your coach until collected by your parent / guardian. (Exceptions – permission from parent to coach for child to walk home alone).
Behavioural Policy – Rewards & Sanctions
We believe in a positive approach to behaviour management based on positive reinforcement, recognition and reward.
Usually this is enough, however in order to keep all coaches and gymnasts safe during sessions we ensure that all participants keep to club rules. In the case of rules being broken:
o A child initially will be asked to stop and reminded of the gymnast’s code of conduct.
o If the same behaviour continues they will be given a verbal warning that if it continues again they will be given a time out and have to sit at the side of the gym for a time out.
o If this behaviour continues the child will be given a further time out and the coach will discuss their behaviour and inform them of the gymnast’s code of conduct and the reasoning behind the code.
o When a child has a time out the coach will inform the parent / guardian at the end of the session.
Continued Poor Behaviour
o If the same child has had a time out for more than two weeks in succession the head coach may decide to ask the child to miss the following weeks session in order that they understand that their behaviour has consequences and that all gymnast’s must adhere to the club rules in order to keep everyone safe and to make the sessions enjoyable for all.
o If the same behaviour is repeated a second time within the same term, i.e. time out three weeks in succession, the child may be asked to leave the club.
Parent / Guardian Code of Conduct
We expect all parents / guardians to adhere to the following code of conduct:
o Complete all club registration forms and update the club with details.
o Arrive at all sessions on time and keep the club informed if your child is ill or unable to attend.
o Obtain medical consent for your child to participate if necessary.
o Bring your child in good health for participation in the sessions.
o Make sure your child is wearing is appropriate clothing and no jewellery.
o If agreed with the coach and with prior arrangement jewellery is permitted, it must be taped over to ensure that it is safe. The coaches can show you how to do this but are not expected to do for you.
o Encourage your child to learn the rules and abide by them.
o Respect the rules of the club. Parents are only permitted into the training sessions if invited by the coach.
o Positive behaviour towards your child and other gymnast’s is expected at all times.
o Always collect your child on time after the session. Inform a member of staff if there is a possibility you will be late.
o Endeavour to have a good relation and open communication with the club and coaches.
o Use correct and appropriate language while at the club.
o No photography or video to be taken during club sessions. Please ask for permission if you would like your child to pose for a photo for you after their session. British Gymnastics guidelines on photography will be made known to you in the case of attendance at events or competitions.
o Please feel free to talk to any of the coaches about any concerns or complaints you have using the complaints procedure. (See Complaints Procedure Page 10)
o Any concerns about your child’s welfare should be reported directly to the club welfare officer. (See Safeguarding poster at gym entrance)
Child Protection Policy
The below policy contains the main points regarding the Child Protection Policy and Policy Statement. If you would like a full copy of our Child Protection Policy please inform us and this can be emailed across to you.
In implementing this child protection policy Community Gymnastics will:
- Ensure that all workers understand their legal and moral responsibility to protect children and young people from harm, abuse and exploitation;
- Ensure that all workers understand their responsibility to work to the standards that are detailed in the organisation’s Child Protection Procedures and work at all times towards maintaining high standards of practice;
- Ensure that all workers are aware of Community Gymnastics Policies and Procedures and are confident in how to work within these guidelines.
- Ensure that all workers understand their duty to report concerns that arise about a child or young person, or a worker’s conduct towards a child/young person, to the faith group’s named person for child protection;
- Ensure that the named person understands his/her responsibility to refer any child protection concerns to the statutory child protection agencies (i.e. Calderdale Care Services and/or Police);
- Ensure that any procedures relating to the conduct of workers are implemented in a consistent and equitable manner;
- Provide opportunities for all workers to develop their skills and knowledge, particularly in relation to the welfare and protection of children and young people;
- Ensure that children and young people are enabled to express their ideas and views on a wide range of issues and will have access to the faith group’s Complaints Procedure;
o Ensure that parents/carers are encouraged to be involved in the work of the faith group and, when requested, have access to all guidelines and procedures;
o Endeavour to keep up-to-date with national developments relating to the welfare and protection of children and young people.
Child Protection Policy Statement
o Community Gymnastics believes that children must be protected from harm at all times.
o We believe every child should be valued, safe and happy. We want to make sure treat children we have contact with know this and are empowered to tell us if they are suffering harm.
o We want children who use or have contact with Community Gymnastics to enjoy what we have to offer in safety.
o We want children and parents who use or attend Community Gymnastics to be supported to care for their children in a way that promotes their child’s health and well- being and keeps them safe.
o Community Gymnastics will achieve this by an effective child protection procedure and following National guidance (What To Do If You’re Worried A Child Is Being Abused) and local procedures (Calderdale Safeguarding Children Board).
o If we discover or suspect a child is suffering harm we will notify Calderdale Care Services or the Police in order that they can be protected if necessary.
o This child protection policy and our child protection procedure apply to all staff, volunteers and users of Community Gymnastics and anyone carrying out any work for us or using our premises.
o We will review our child protection policy and procedures annually to make sure they are still relevant and effective.
o Community Gymnastics are committed to policies and action to ensure that those who are employed in paid or voluntary capacity and the people it serves, are not discriminated on the basis of disability, race, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation or gender.
Bullying and Harassment Policy
All members of staff and volunteers are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect in their place of work. This means freedom from behaviour by colleagues that can be interpreted as bullying or harassment or that causes offense, and access to redress if such behaviour does arise. It also means standards of everyday behaviour that contribute to a working environment in which mutual respect and individual dignity are maintained.
Bullying and harassment
o Behaviour can constitute bullying or harassment where: it violates the dignity of a member of staff on the grounds of their race, colour, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, gender reassignment, or age (the protected characteristics); or where it creates an intimidating, hostile and degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. Individual or accumulative acts can seriously undermine the dignity, confidence, and work satisfaction to such an extent that it has an effect on job performance, and general happiness both inside and outside work.
o Conduct becomes harassment if it persists and it has been made clear that it is regarded as offensive by the recipient or a witness to the conduct, although a single offensive act can amount to harassment if it is sufficiently serious.
Bullying and harassment can be further defined in the following ways:
o Harassment based on race, colour or ethnic origin
Harassment based on race, colour or ethnic origin is conduct at work directed towards a colleague by another colleague or group of colleagues which is racist in nature, and which is regarded as unwelcome or offensive by the recipient or a witness. The following are examples that illustrate such conduct, though this is not an exhaustive list:
o Jokes about race, colour or ethnic origin
o Use of offensive names
o References to colleagues by offensive racist descriptions
o Use of offensive or insensitive stereotypes
o Verbal abuse based on race, colour or ethnic origin
o Circulation, or display, of offensive material based on race, colour or ethnic origin.
o Detrimental behaviour because of a colleague’s race, colour or ethnic origin.
Sexual harassment
o Sexual harassment is conduct directed towards a colleague by another colleague or group of colleagues which is of a sexual nature, or which is based on a colleague’s gender, and which is regarded as unwelcome or offensive to the recipient or a witness.
The following are examples which illustrate such conduct, though this is not an exhaustive list:
o Unwanted physical contact
o Contact which is intimidating, or physically or verbally abusive
o Jokes that are based on sexual or gender issues
o Non-verbal conduct, such as staring or gestures
o Suggestions that sexual favours may further a person’s career, or that refusal may hinder it
o Sexual advances, propositions, suggestions or pressure for sexual activity at or outside work.
Harassment based on disability
o Harassment based on disability is conduct directed towards a colleague by another colleague or group of colleagues which is based on the colleague’s disability or association with someone who has a disability and which is unwelcome to the recipient or a witness.
The following are examples which illustrate such behaviour, though this is not an exhaustive list:
o Jokes about disability
o Use of offensive names
o Use of offensive or insensitive stereotypes
o Verbal abuse based on disability
o Circulation, or display, of offensive material based on disability
o Deliberate actions designed to hinder a colleague’s ability to undertake his/her duties because of their disability.
Harassment based on sexual orientation
o Harassment based on sexual orientation is conduct directed towards a colleague by another colleague or group of colleagues which is based on the sexuality of the colleague and which is unwelcome by the recipient or a witness.
The following are examples which illustrate such behaviour, though this is not an exhaustive list:
o Jokes about sexuality
o Use of offensive names
o Use of offensive or insensitive stereotypes
o Verbal abuse based on sexuality
Circulation, or display, of offensive material based on sexuality.
Harassment based on age
Harassment based on age is conduct directed towards a colleague by another colleague or group of colleagues which is based on the age of the colleague and which is unwelcome by the recipient or a witness.
The following are examples which illustrate such behaviour, though this is not an exhaustive list:
o Jokes about age
o Use of offensive names
o Use of offensive or insensitive stereotypes
o Verbal abuse based on age
o Circulation, or display, of offensive material based on age.
Detrimental behaviour because of being associated with a protected characteristic
Bullying and harassment may not be based on the fact that a colleague belongs to a particular group, but simply because the individual has been singled out for such treatment or associates with someone of a protected characteristic. For example, this would include claiming someone is gay when they are not or making fun of someone who has a disabled relative. The bullying and harassment may take the following forms, though again this is not intended as an exhaustive list:
o Limiting or withdrawing verbal communication
o Isolating a colleague by unfriendly behaviour
o Behaviour designed to belittle or produce anxiety in a colleague
o Unreasonable scrutiny of work
o Unreasonable criticism of work, and adopting double standards in expectations of work performance
o Unreasonable denial of leave and/or special leave requests
o Unreasonable denial of requests for flexible working
o Work or staff social activities that deliberately exclude a colleague
o Jokes or inappropriate humour at the expense of a colleague.
Standards of work behaviour
o Courtesy towards colleagues
o Consideration and understanding of the work demands of colleagues
o Maintaining a temperate tone, and temperate language, in all verbal and written communication with colleagues
o Avoidance of the use of foul language
o Awareness of language and conduct which have the potential to offend a colleague
o Obtaining the express or implied permission of a colleague before adopting familiarity in conduct or language.
What to do if you consider you or a colleague is subject to bullying or harassment
o Community Gymnastics is committed to ensuring that there is no harassment or bullying in the workplace. Allegations of harassment will be treated as a disciplinary matter, although every situation will be considered on an individual basis and in accordance with the principles of the practice’s grievance and disciplinary procedures, a copy of which is available from the main office.
o Your first step is to decide whether you can deal with the inappropriate behaviour informally, for example, if the act concerned is relatively minor, isolated or clearly unintentional. In these situations it is possible that the matter can be resolved immediately by letting your colleague know that the behaviour in question is unacceptable to you and should be avoided in future.
o If you feel uncomfortable about raising the issue directly with your colleague, or if you consider the behaviour is more serious because it was deliberate, part of a persistent pattern, or serious in nature, or has been repeated despite having discussed a previous incident informally, then you should report the matter in the first instance to Rebecca.waites@hotmail.co.uk. If it is inappropriate to discuss the matter with either of the named individuals or if you are dissatisfied with their action, then you should seek advice, as appropriate from British Gymnastics.
Complaints Procedure
Should you have any complaints regarding either the club or any of the coaches these can be directed to the following named person at the club.
In the first instance please speak to one of the coaches as they may be able to address the issue and resolve it immediately. If however you feel you would prefer to speak to a more senior member of staff, please contact the safeguarding officer:
Name: Rebecca Waites
Role: Safeguarding Officer
Email Address: Rebecca.waites@hotmail.co.uk
Please include in your complaint the nature of the complaint along with all supporting information. Any complaint will be recorded and followed up within 5 days.